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Maglev Train

from the beginnings to the biggest project ever

for more informations:

+66 (0)2 423 2652



49/4 Moo 6, NakornIn Road Bang Khun Gong Sub-district Bang Kruai District Nonthaburi 11130, Thailand

Maglev trains - A chronology.​

In the 1970s, the federal government pushes ahead with the development of a maglev train as a new means of transportation. On February 5, 2000, the mega-project is buried. Plans for a new means of transportation began to take shape in the 1970s: the Transrapid magnetic levitation train. Initially, it was to link Hamburg and Berlin at a speed of more than 400 kilometres per hour. Development work continued for many years, and a test track was built in Emsland (An area in the north of Germany). 

History as a timeline...


1969 - 1979

1980 - 1991

1980 - 1991

1994 - 2000


2000 until 2022

2000 until 2022

The engineer Hermann Kemper from Nortrup (district of Osnabrück - Germany) applies for a patent for the invention of a "suspension railroad with wheel-less vehicles, which is guided along iron rails in a suspended manner employing magnetic fields": the archetype of the magnetic levitation railroad.

The German government commissioned a study to examine the possible use of magnetic levitation technology. Later, Thyssen's Transrapid development is awarded the contract. In 1979 Magnetic levitation technology is shown for the first time at the International Transport Exhibition in Hamburg.

'80: Construction work begins on the test line in Lathen, Emsland.

'84: Test operations begin on the 32-kilometre line. 

'87: The test line is in continuous operation.

'91: Studies by seven leading university institutes and Deutsche Bahn establish that the maglev line is technically fully operational.

A financing concept is being developed based on the principle of a public-private partnership. According to this, the federal government, the private sector and banks will share the costs. For the Hamburg-Berlin line, they are initially to total 8.9 billion marks.

The German Transrapid manufacturing consortium receives an order from the Chinese side to build a 30-kilometer maglev line near Shanghai.

Every great journey begins with

the first step in the right direction!

Terddumri is established

Visionary businessman Dr Suphol Civilize establishes Terddumri CO., LTD. with the aim of realizing amazing projects worldwide with the help of the P.P.P. system. Projects are planned, realized and financed with the help of P.P.P in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, USA, India, Japan and China. This is where the network of the highest competence is created: Max Bögl, Thyssen Krupp, Siemens and many other companies of world renown are a part of it.

In 2023, TERDDUMRI will launch the biggest project yet! Let's stay in touch! 

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